CSS Tricks: Create a Striped Background Effect with Pure CSS & Tailwind

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While browsing the Tailwind CSS website, one little detail caught my eye: the striped background.

Screenshot of Tailwind CSS website with striped background

Screenshot of Tailwind CSS website with striped background

At first, I assumed it was just a simple background image. But after inspecting the element, I realized it was pure CSS magic. My next thought was: I need to try this out myself and document it here so I can remember how to do it.

Pure CSS Striped Background

The striped background is created using a repeating linear gradient with a 45-degree angle. This gradient alternates between a light gray color and transparency, creating the striped effect. Here’s how to achieve it:

.striped-background {
    background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(
        #e1e1e1 0,
        #e1e1e1 1px,
        transparent 0,
        transparent 50%
    background-size: 10px 10px;
    background-attachment: fixed;

Now, simply apply this class to any element you want to have the striped background:

<div class="striped-background">
    Hello World!

And here’s how it looks:

That's it! You now have a striped background on your website.
Check out the code on GitHub Try it out on CodePen

The trick is to use the repeating-linear-gradient function which repeats a given gradient pattern infinitely. Let’s break it down:

  • Angle of 45 degrees 45deg: Ensures diagonal stripes.
  • Color Stops
    • #e1e1e1 0, #e1e1e1 1px: This creates a gray (#e1e1e1) stripe from 0 to 1px.
    • transparent 0, transparent 50%: After 1px, the gradient switches to transparent from 0 to 50%, creating a repeating pattern of thin gray lines separated by empty space.
  • Background Size 10px 10px: Defines the size of each repeating tile. Increasing this value increases the spacing between stripes.
  • Background Attachment: fixed: Keeps the background fixed while scrolling, creating a cool effect.

Tailwind CSS Striped Background

If you’re already working with Tailwind CSS, you can achieve the same effect without writing a separate CSS class. Tailwind’s utility-first approach allows you to define complex background properties directly in your markup:

<div class="bg-[repeating-linear-gradient(45deg,_#e1e1e1_0,_#e1e1e1_1px,_transparent_0,_transparent_50%)] bg-[size:10px_10px] bg-fixed">
    Hello World!
You now have a striped background using Tailwind CSS.

Check out the code on GitHub Try it out on CodePen

Even better, Tailwind allows you to use CSS variables directly in your markup for added flexibility:

<div class="bg-[repeating-linear-gradient(45deg,_var(--pattern-fg)_0,_var(--pattern-fg)_1px,_transparent_0,_transparent_50%)] bg-[size:10px_10px] bg-fixed [--pattern-fg:#e1e1e1]">
    Hello World
You now have a striped background using Tailwind CSS with custom CSS variables.

Check out the code on GitHub Try it out on CodePen

My Last Words

The striped background is a simple yet visually appealing way to add texture to your website. It’s lightweight and doesn’t require any additional images. However, there’s one limitation: to avoid artifacts, the angle should always be a multiple of 45 degrees.

That said, customize it to your liking:

  • Try different colors.
  • Play around with different angles (multiples of 45 degrees for best results).
  • Remove or modify background-attachment: fixed / bg-fixed to see how it behaves when scrolling.
  • Adjust the background size to tweak the spacing.

Happy styling!